- Journal
絵になるための衣。Clothing Becomes Part of a Painting
Colours run in every direction. All kinds of creature wriggle vibrantly in deep darknesses, gallop across the fields, or fly in vast skies. The world that mirocomachiko paints is filled with force and energy. It overwhelms viewers.
‘I am timid and cowardly, and it is only when painting that I can concentrate and get absorbed. Painting, to me is a kind of amulet. That’s especially so when I’m doing live paintings. I find that petty worries recede, and it’s as if I could even fly.’
She loses herself in painting, just following her emotions. Pigments get splattered on her clothes or across floor coverings. These are registers of her creative processes. As time goes by, the paint fragments harden. They are also parts of her amulet. She cannot bring herself to discard them even when they can no longer be used.
Mirokomachiko moved to Amami-Oshima in 2019. Inspired by its rich nature, she dyed canvasses using traditional local techniques. Then she began to envisage the possibility of incorporating clothes worn during her painting acts into the painting itself.
‘I was not satisfied with the finished painting alone. I also wanted to include the time, process, space and atmosphere of the actions that gave rise to it. This was when I thought how interesting it would be to make the clothing I had worn into a part of the work.’
WONDER FULL LIFEと協働するなかで、ライブで絵の具がまとわりついた衣装を解体。それを染め直し、再びその上に絵を描くことで、新たな生命を吹き込むという新しい創作が生まれた。
For her collaboration with Wonder Full Life, mirokomachiko disassembled clothing she had used while painting, re-dyed it, and added more paint. A new life was infused, and a new way of creating has been born.
‘When painting extemporaneously, I work in many colour layers at once. Sometimes I am not really even aware of what’s going on. But my clothing retains traces of the colours I used, and the gestures I made. I find it refreshing to use those traces as next stage of creation. They are like recollected memories.’
If you paint on all-fours, you get thick stains around your knees. Applying colours with bent arms will leave crusts of paint inside the elbows. Disassembling clothes worn and using them as starting points for a new work, expands imagination indefinitely.
あまり説明が得意ではないため、これまで単独での創作を基本としていたミロコさんだが、WONDER FULL LIFEを通じて、金井工芸の金井志人さんや写真家の在本彌生さんとのコラボレーションが生まれ、多くの人々と絡み合う結果となった。
Mirocomachiko is not that eloquent. She takes independent creativity as her basic operational mode, though with Wonder Full Life, she ended up working in collaboration. She teamed up with Yukihito Kanai of Kanai Kogei, and the photographer Yayoi Arimoto.
‘It was all simultaneous. They went around and around… It was mysterious, but seemed a natural consequence too. I felt that we had more to do, and that the work could keep on growing.’
Mirocomachiko repeats the process of layering colour, as a kind of reincarnation. Her work seems to project scenes in which creatures interact in harmony, circulating new generations.
Photo_ Yayoi Arimoto
画家・絵本作家。1981年大阪府生まれ。いきものの姿を伸びやかに描き、国内外で個展を開催する。ブラチスラバ世界絵本原画ビエンナーレ、巌谷小波文芸賞などを受賞。本やCDジャケット、ポスターなどの装画も手がける。2021年に開催された「いきものはわたしのかがみ」「うみまとう」展のライブペインティング、展示などで、WONDER FULL LIFEと協働した。
Painter and picture-book writer, born Osaka, 1981. Paints living creatures in a liberated manner, exhibiting them at solo shows internationally. Awards include the Biennale of Illustration Bratislava, and the Iwaya Sazanami Literature Award. Work ranges from book and CD jacket designs to posters, while her collaborations with Wonder Full Life have taken the form of live painting events at Ikimono wa watashi no kagami (Creatures are my mirror) and Umimato, two exhibitions held in 2021.